Chain Lube and Cleaner

An Ultimate Guide to Use Chain Lube and Cleaner Efficiently

It is important to maintain the chain of the motorcycle to ensure it is safe and smooth. It also promotes the lifespan of the bike. The dirt, grime, and debris can accumulate on the chain over time and this can wear out faster and potentially affect the performance. Regular lubrication and cleaning are crucial tasks for every motorcycle owner. Now we will discuss how to use chain lube and cleaner efficiently.

Steps for Using the Chain Lube and Cleaner

  • Check the Bike’s Chain

Check the overall condition of the drive train to start the procedure of cleaning and lubricating the bike’s chain. One must closely check the sprockets and inspect if they are worn. Replace the chain immediately, if it has tight spots or the teeth of the sprocket are completely worn out.

  • Use a Chain Cleaner

If the chain and sprockets are dirty and grimed, one should use a chain lube and cleaner to remove dirt without any hassle. There are different types of chain cleaners available in the market, so finding the ideal choice won’t be a problem. Choose the right product by considering some basic factors.

  • Re-Spray

Re-spray the cleaner on the chain to finish the cleaning process. This step will help you to get rid of the minute particles of gunk on the chain.

  • Dry the Chain

The motorcycle should be completely dried before the process of lubrication. Wipe the excess cleaner off the chain and let it sit for a few hours. Wait until the chain gets dry.

  • Lubricate the Clean

The last step is to lubricate the chain. The procedure of lubrication varies according to the type of motorcycle chain. Spread the lube in a liberal amount and wipe off the excess. However, small quantities of lube are used on the sealed chains. The grease inside the O-ring takes care of all the lubrication, while the lube protects the chain from rust.

What are the Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning and Lubricating the Chain?

It is crucial to clean and lubricate the motorcycle’s chain. Avoid the common mistakes using chain lube and cleaner to get effective results.

  • Don’t Clean the Chain Thoroughly

Scanting on the cleaning process can leave grime and dirt on the chain, which will cause accelerated wear. One must ensure to scrub the chain thoroughly with a brush to remove all debris. Focus on the spaces between the links and sprockets, where the buildup can be most stubborn. Proper cleaning can make the lubricant penetrate effectively.

  • Applying too little or too much Chain Lube and Cleaner

Under-lubricating the chain can lead to insufficient protection and increased friction while over-lubricating can bring more dirt and debris. It is crucial to allow the lubricant to penetrate and then wipe off any excess to avoid dirt accumulation.

  • Lubricating a Dirty Chain

If the chain lube and cleaner are applied to a dirty chain, this can seal in grime, leading to reduced performance and increased wear. It is vital to clean the chain thoroughly before applying the product. This makes the lube and cleaner work effectively and offers the best protection to the chain.

  • Now Allowing the Lubricant to Settle

It is crucial to let the lube and cleaner sit for a few hours or overnight to allow it to fully penetrate and adhere to the chain. One should not ride immediately after the lubrication as this can cause the lubricant to fling off and reduce its effectiveness. Be patient for better chain protection and performance.


It is important to use the chain lube and cleaner by following the right steps for more effective results. Kangaroo Autocare offers premium quality products that elevate performance, longevity, and safety. Check our Autocare products at

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