Category: Compounds

Rubbing compound or polishing compound

Rubbing compound or polishing compound? What is the difference?

As a car or bike owner, you may not be the only one who is in a dilemma about whether to use rubbing compound from the Rubbing compound manufacturers in Delhi or should be opting for a polishing compound. In any case, the exterior beauty and pristine look of your car/bike are necessary. It must be […]

Why buy compound only from top rubbing compound manufacturers in Delhi?

Many rubbing compound manufacturers in Delhi will advise you to polish your ca frequently to keep its shine. Many others, on the other hand, regard this tiny detail to be inconvenient and irrelevant. Regardless of where you stand, if you are interested in rubbing compound, in this blog, we’re going to go through the top 5 advantages […]

High Gloss Rubbing Compound vs Diamond Cut Rubbing Compound for Cars

High Gloss Rubbing Compound and Diamond Cut Rubbing Compound are known as “leveling compounds”, and they give the car a high-gloss look and smooth finish. It can also be described as the first step in handling and caring for the car’s paint, which is followed by polishing compound and waxing. Let’s take a closer look […]

Diamond-Cut Rubbing Compound for Cars Vs. The 200 Ml Car Polish in India

Have you decided between Diamond Cut Rubbing Compound for cars and polishing compound? If you own a car and want to keep it in great form, this is the most important question to ask. Both polishing and rubbing compounds, without a doubt, target different automotive issues, although they are frequently intertwined. Most automobile owners, to their astonishment, […]

What’s the Benefits of Using Mirror Glaze Rubbing Compound for Cars

Many beginners use water and other local cleaning agents without the knowledge and this can cause damage to the car’s exterior paint. Therefore, it is an important rubbing compound to use like Mirror Glaze Rubbing Compound for Cars If you are still convinced, here are 3 core benefits of using car Mirror Glaze Rubbing Compound for Cars. The Final […]

How To Select And Use Rubbing Compounds To Remove Residues-Scratch Out

Have you ever wondered where the difference lies when it comes to rubbing compound versus enamel? A rubbing compound is a somewhat old-fashioned term for a product that contains very aggressive ingredients that, if not used correctly, can eventually damage the paint more than you started. This is not a product that paint finishing professionals usually use […]