The current situation in India, and practically every country in the world, with millions of people confined to their homes to prevent the spread of Covid-19, has led to displacements falling to a minimum. Thus, only vehicles from the emergency services, law enforcement agencies and those, whose work is essential or who cannot telework remain in closed circulate. This also involves millions of cars parked, on the street or in a garage.
Experts of car wax manufacturers in India offer you some basic tips to follow during quarantine and post quarantine days to take care of your vehicle:
What to do during the alarm state?
Since the vast majority of humans have limited movements to essentials (go shopping, to the doctor, to work – the exceptions provided – and little else), your cars will hardly move and, in some cases, they will not move at all. Remember that during the alarm state, there can be a maximum of one occupant for each row of seats, maintaining the greatest possible distance between them.
In the event that nothing is going to move, the ideal would be to leave it clean and covered. Keep in mind that unless you can clean it in your own home, it will not be possible to do it as often as desired, since during the pandemic it is not feasible to wash it in a service station or other authorized place.
The less you handle it, the better to disinfect it. The virus in suspension or deposited on the surfaces disappears after a time depending on the material: three hours in the air and up to three days on plastic or steel. Even, in wood and glass, up to four days; and in metal, up to five.
What should I do when things get back to normal?
In case of bodywork, if the vehicle has been on the street – avoid leaving it under trees or inside the garage. Examine your car carefully, check its condition from interior as well as exterior. Ignore the dirt that has accumulated over weeks.
- Wash it thoroughly to remove dirt, with special emphasis on bird poop, highly corrosive to paint.
- Remember to connect the battery (if you disconnected it) and recover the recommended tire pressure (either because you overinflated them or because they have lost pressure).
- Make sure there are no leaks that have left stains on the floor. Also check the level of liquids like antifreeze and oil.
- Check the electric wiring and functionality of lightings, air conditioning system, electric windows and other electronic devices.
Take best polish for car dashboard and best rubbing compound for car scratches along with you to remove the necessary stains after cleaning.
Tips to disinfect your car
If you are using car during lockdown, disinfect it periodically, especially if a person is at ‘risk group’.
Important: wear gloves (and a mask, if possible) to clean and disinfect.
- In exterior cleaning (using warm water and products that do not harm the paint), priorize the disinfection of frequently touched areas: door handles, mirrors, shifter, controls the radio/infotainment system dashboard, seats, armrests, belts, handbrake etc.
- For Indoors, use specific cleaning, disinfectant and best polish for car dashboard for different material (fabrics, metal and external and internal plastics, vinyl, leather). And when you use them, follow the safety instructions and precautions.
In general, you can use products that contain at least 70% alcoholic solution to fight the coronavirus. Among these, the most advisable is to use isopropyl alcohol, since it does not damage the interior surfaces, and is more effective than ethyl alcohol.
Hope! It helped you.