How Often Should Your Bike Chain Be Maintained?
Depending on the situation, you need to check your chain at an average of 500 km. If we are traveling in dusty and rainy weather every 500 km, but if we are traveling on the highway, it will be enough to have a look at the end of the day.
It is useful to take with us materials that will be required for cleaning and lubrication on long journeys. Many manufacturers recommend cleaning chains with chain lubes.
Is It Necessary To Do Anything Before/After Lubrication?
Both spray and mechanical cleaners should be preferred. It is beneficial to ensure that the chain is at a certain temperature before maintenance. Before starting the lubrication, running the chain for 5-10 minutes and heating it a little will allow you to get rid of the moisture on the chain.
When the chain is lubricated, it must be lubricated from the inner side of the chain, i.e. from the surface where it contacts the gear. Thus, it is needed to ensure that the spray spreads to the working/wearing surfaces.
Putting something for protective purposes such as newspaper or cardboard between the rear rim and the chain while lubricating will protect the rear rim and tire from getting oiled.
How Often Should We Check The Chain For Wear?
It is useful to keep an eye on the wear condition every time we maintain the chain. During every maintenance, we need to check whether there is corrosion in the chain and the degree of wear on the rings running on the pins.
Continuous maintenance and lubrication is essential for a chain to have a long life and not to grow in a short time. Maintenance and lubrication continuity (repetition) is directly related to the conditions of use (cycle, temperature, external factors and environment).
During regular visual inspection, attention should be paid to the elongation of the chain, the applied force, the oil condition and the assembly. Chain pitch and chain links should be checked to check chain elongation. It can be controlled without removing the chain.
Controlled tightening has a good effect for the chain. It should be prevented from working too hard as well as preventing slack in the chain. In parallel running chains, both sides should be tightened equally.
Correct gear quality and tension play a critical role in the life of the chain. In cases where the elongation is light, the necessary tightening can be achieved by removing the chain links.
Dynamic Chain is always at your side for removal and installation. Before lubricating, the dirt on the chain and sprockets must be thoroughly cleaned. Thus, the chain lube will penetrate into the caps and links. Chain surface should be cleaned using the right chemicals.
During visual inspection, attention should be paid to elongation and wear. The main reason for the elongation can be due to incorrect assembly and wrong gear selection. Gears must be constantly checked. It is not recommended to use old gears for new chains.