Remove Extreme Rust From Any Surface Easilywith Rust Cleaner/Remover

4 types of rust can be found in nature. The most common and dangerous is red. It destroys the metal until the complete disintegration of the metal structure occurs and this oxidation affects the entire surface.

On the other hand, yellow rust is rare. This is dictated by the conditions that are necessary for its appearance: high humidity and low oxygen content.

An even rarer type of rust is brown. The defeat by this species can proceed without moisture and it is expressed by point foci. Black rust appears when there is a lack of oxygen and moisture. Under certain conditions, it can show magnetic ability.

In addition to the colour of rust, it is also customary to classify it according to the method of exposure to metal:

  1. Solid. Such destruction covers the entire surface.
  2. Local. The lesion affects areas of a metal part or surface, for example, when a metal pipe comes into contact with seawater.
  3. Subsurface. This corrosion destroys the top layer, then penetrates inside and leads to delamination of the metal.
  4. Intercrystalline. The destruction of the metal occurs within the structure, along the grain boundaries. It is important to note that this does not change the appearance of the product.
  5. Crevice. Corrosion appears in areas where there is a poor fit (gaps, under the gaskets, etc.).
  6. Electoral. With this type of destruction occurs only one component of the alloy, for example, dezincification of brass.

At the moment, there are 2 types of rust control agents on the market: converters and removers.

The principle of operation of the converters is the interaction of special compounds with rust. Reacting with it, these compounds convert the rust into a protective film. Such a film is more resistant to moisture and protects the surface from further damage. To remove rust using converters, you need to clean the surface, for example with a wire brush, apply, cure and remove the agent according to the instructions.

When working with a transducer, it is worth remembering that these agents cannot penetrate deeply into the metal structure. And if the destruction is deeper than 15-20 microns, then it is necessary to use additional means to remove pinpoint foci of rust.

If they are skipped and “sealed” with a protective film and topcoats, then the destruction will go further, only it is no longer noticeable to the eye.

Rust removers work differently. They aim to attack the rust and remove it from the metal surface. The rust remover removes rust, forming a dense protective film after processing. Thus, the product combines 2 effects: combating and preventing the appearance of new foci of corrosion.

RUST REMOVER increases paint adhesion to metal surfaces and is recommended for use before applying paint and varnish coatings, including powder coatings.

For effective operation, you must carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers.

For example, it is necessary to apply rust remover to the surface, let it act for 15-20 minutes without allowing it to dry, and remove the remaining solution with water or a wet sponge. The principle of working with a concentrate is similar to the principle of working with a ready-made composition. The only thing is important to follow all the recommendations given by the experts of Kangaroo Autocare before using their rust remover.

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