The Points To Consider For Lubrication

Lubrication forms the essential part for any bike and as such you need to be wary of a thing or two. The process goes well for a car and a bike. By and large, you are covered with the products of the bike chain lubricant spray online india and car polish manufacturers in Delhi. Take a look.

  1. Waxing can make or break a bikeDon’t use cutting compounds as they leave permanent swirls in the paintwork. When using car wax, use nothing but the soft wax that adds a layer, rather than takes a layer off. Check this for advice on selecting the best car wax. Some modern bikes are actually covered in a layer of plastic or lacquer that can easily be damaged. Trial the product on a discrete area first then look at it in direct sunlight to see if it leaves swirls. Good quality wax can also double up as a sunscreen, leaving a UV barrier that can keep the coat of the car’s color guarded. Hence, it goes without saying that reapplication of wax is needed to provide this protection. Another hack to follow is that of keeping the polish on a clean rag, not directly on the bodywork. When dry, clean off the wax with a lint-free cloth. Check out the authentic websites for reviews of automotive products.
  2. Lube- The products from Kangaroo Autocare is great for getting rid of excess water as well as gently removing built-up grease. Therefore, one needs to avoid spraying of the essential grease in areas such as around the wheel axles as it will dilute the grease. WD stands for water displacement which is what it does. However, it’s not a great lubricant, so buy some silicon or oil and spray the cables, hinges and levers that might have lost some lubrication in the wash. Use best rubbing compound for car scratches and always follow the instructions on the can.
  3. Drying off is the final step- Use a well-rinsed and squeezed micro-fibre cloth or chamois to thoroughly dry off your bike. NEVER allow any cloth, chamois or sponge to drop on the ground as it can pick up small pieces of grit that can scratch your bike. When you’re finished drying, take the bike out for a small ride, and apply brakes gradually to pump out excess water. Following this, you can go for a faster ride on a highway to blow water out of deep nooks and crannies. If water is allowed to stay there it can cause corrosion. When you get home, give you pride and joy another wipe down with a microfibre cloth to get rid of streaks on the windscreen and bodywork caused by excess water running out of crevasses.

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